Concise Dictionary of the Bible

By Stephen Neill, John Goodwin and Arthur Dowle (editors)

A comprehensive and accessible dictionary of the English Bible, with over 1400 articles setting out the meaning of words, their background and biblical context.

ISBN: 9780718891633


This comprehensive one volume dictionary has been written to help the ordinary reader of the English Bible.

In over 1,400 articles the Dictionary deals with the meaning of words, their background and setting in the Bible as a whole. It includes many names of persons and places considered of importance either in contribution, Biblical narrative or teaching.

The dictionary can be used with Standard, Authorised or Revised versions of the Bible, and the New English Bible is also occasionally quoted to throw further light on the meaning of a word.

For ease of use, technical terms are avoided and the vocabulary has been kept as simple as possible.

Additional information

Dimensions 216 × 140 mm
Pages 348

Trade Information LPODREF

About the Author

Bishop Stephen Neill was a one time Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge, and is now Professor of Missions in the University of Hamburg.

Rev. John F.B. Goodwin was a late scholar of Jesus College, Cambridge, and was editor of World Christian Books.

Rev. Arthur Dowle of St. Peter’s Hall, Oxford is now Chaplain of St. Edward’s Church, Cambridge.


List of Contributors

Entries A to Z
