The Power of God: A Jonathan Edwards Commentary on the Book of Romans

By Jonathan Edwards, David S. Lovi and Benjamin Westerhoff

A single volume collection of the extensive writings of the great 18th-century American theologian Jonathan Edwards on St Paul’s Epistle to the Romans.

ISBN: 9780718893279


Edited by David S. Lovi and Benjamin Westerhoff, this book contains nearly everything the great American Puritan Jonathan Edwards (1703-58) ever wrote on the book of Romans, collated into a verse-by-verse Bible commentary. Pastors, theologians, historians, and Bible study leaders will find a treasure of biblical insight along with practical application, as one of the great theologians of the Christian church expounds the book that Martin Luther called the “most important piece in the New Testament”. Jonathan Edwards’ expository genius is clearly evident in both the depth of his biblical insight as well as his logic. Readers will be encouraged and edified as they delve deeply into the book of Romans with Jonathan Edwards by their side.

Additional information

Dimensions 229 × 153 mm
Pages 400

Trade Information LPOD

About the Author

Jonathan Edwards (1703-1758) is widely recognised as America’s most important philosophical theologian. His highly original works display a deep appreciation of beauty and harmony in ethics, but are also rooted in Reformed theology and bear witness to his heritage of New England Puritanism. Indisputably an Enlightenment man, Edwards played a major role in shaping the First Great Awakening, which fostered a deeply personal sense of the individual’s need of salvation by Christ.

David S. Lovi holds a master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He lives in Palatine, Illinois, with his wife, Amy.

Benjamin Westerhoff holds a master’s degree from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. He lives in Seattle, Washington, with his wife, Maria, and their children, Isaiah and Faith.


Foreword by Doug Sweeney




Endorsements and Reviews

What a treat! David Lovi and Benjamin Westerhoff have served up for the church sumptuous Edwardsian cuisine from the rich Pauline menu of Romans. This is unique work that gives substantive nuggets of thought from Edwards on the book of Romans. If you love Edwards and you love Romans, this book needs to be in your library.
Brian Borgman, author of Feelings and Faith

Lovi and Westerhoff have provided all who study the book of Romans a real gift – a complete collection of Edwards’ work on this epistle. As Paul exposits the gospel, so Edwards exposits Paul, and this collection exposits Edwards.
Tim M. Sigler, Professor of Bible, Moody Bible Institute

That Edward’s comments on the Romans letter are now available in this handy format can be of benefit to preachers and interested laypersons … Edwards is … an amazing interpreter, head and shoulders above the rest in his time. He still speaks into many of today’s issues through his prolific writings.
John Schuit, Emmanuel Bible College, in McMaster Journal of Theology and Ministry, Vol 15

… there is no question that the volume is helpful in presenting Edwards as commentator … the preacher can at last have at his fingertips Edwards’ insights into one of the most important – and challenging – books in the canon. For this, we are indebted.
William M. Schweitzer, in Reviews in Religion & Theology, Vol 22, Issue 1

… a work of which the accuracy is not likely to be challenged.
Donald A. Bullen, in Theological Book Review, Vol 26, No 1

As there are few commentaries available from the first half of eighteenth century, the publication of this unique compilation is a welcome event. It may even contribute to contemporary debate on fundamental doctrines such as justification by faith, original sin, and covenant theology, among others.
J. Gaius Song, in The Expository Times, Vol 127, No 8