God’s Hundred Years: A Brief History of the Reformation

By Hubert J. Smith

A highly accessible introductory text to the ideas and development of the Reformation in Britain and Europe, providing a comprehensive historical resource.

ISBN: 9780718830694


This book sets out the story of the Reformation in a clear, concise manner. Focusing on the biographies and beliefs of the main protagonists, including John Wycliff, John Knox, Erasmus and Calvin, among many others, the book introduces and explains events that redrew the map of Europe and irrevocably altered everyday lives.

Smith examines key events in Germany, France and Switzerland as well as demonstrating how the Protestant movement in the British Isles affected worship and belief in England, Scotland, Ireland and Wales. It also details Catholic reaction and the political implications of Protestantism, making this one of the most comprehensive and comprehensible histories currently available.

Additional information

Dimensions 234 × 156 mm
Pages 224

Trade Information LPOD

About the Author

Hubert J. Smith is a retired lecturer having taught for 25 years at Anglia Polytechnic University (now Anglia Ruskin University) and Birkbeck College, University of London as a lecturer in religious studies. He holds degrees from the University of Nottingham and the University of London and has published severa works on religious education and exploring the Christian faith. He is an occasional contributor to Reform, the journal of the United Reform Church.



1. The Background to the Reformation
2. Developments in Religious Thought
3. John Wycliffe and his Successors
4. Martin Luther
5. Luther’s Teachings
6. Philip Melanchthon
7. Ulrich Zwingli
8. Martin Bucer
9. John Calvin
10. Calvin’s Teachings
11. The Radical Reformation
12. The Catholic Reformation
13. The Spread of Protestantism and the Wars of Religion
14. Protestantism Takes Shape
15. The Reformation in England: John Colet and Thomas More
16. Tyndale, Coverdale and the English Bible
17. Henry VIII and the Reformation Parliament
18. Edward VI and Mary Tudor
19. Elizabeth I and the Anglican Settlement
20. Recusancy in England and the Irish Situation
21. Expounders and Defenders of Anglicanism
22. The Puritans
23. The Independents
24. John Knox and the Reformation in Scotland
25. The Religious Situation at the Close of Elizabeth’s Reign

Further Reading – Select Bibliography


Endorsements and Reviews

Succinct and informative.
Methodist Recorder